03: High Cost of High Expectations

Motivation and expectations are supposed to go hand-in-hand.  The idea being – if you’re expected to achieve a goal, your motivation kicks in to meet these expectations.  This is true BUT (and it’s a big but) ONLY IF those expectations are reasonable.  If not, motivation actually whithers away. 

In this discussion with Dr. Doug and Nathan, we’ll be talking about how this process works, why it works the way it does, and how to effectively overcome high expectations. 

03: High Cost of High Expectations

Motivation and expectations are supposed to go hand-in-hand.  The idea being – if you’re expected to achieve a goal, your motivation kicks in to meet these expectations.  In this episode, Dr. Lisle goes over a concept called The Ego Trap.  Which is the trap we may find ourselves in if the expectations of our performance exceeds what we think we can reasonably accomplish.  Dr. Lisle describes this trap, how this process works, why it works the way it does, and how to effectively overcome it. 


Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast

Host: Nathan Gershfeld

Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D.


Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus

02: Stepping stones to Self-Esteem

Dr. Doug discusses some important findings about understanding your self-esteem.  For many years and even today, self-esteem is considered the crux of happiness and fulfillment in life.   Often thought of like a vitamin, many psychologists assume that we “need” self-esteem in daily doses to feel accepted, happy, and satisfied with life.  

Dr. Doug discusses this notion and offers an alternative way to look at sel-esteem.