236: Read receipts, Low sex desire, Weight, High school skills, Silly animals

1. I am a 40-something male on the online/swipey app dating scene. I have had rotten luck and I am interested in whether turning off “read receipts” on WhatsApp is putting women off.  I like the freedom that turning off “read receipts” gives me. At the same time I worry I am giving into my fears…

236: Read receipts, Low sex desire, Weight, High school skills, Silly animals

1. I am a 40-something male on the online/swipey app dating scene. I have had rotten luck and I am interested in whether turning off “read receipts” on WhatsApp is putting women off.  I like the freedom that turning off “read receipts” gives me. At the same time I worry I am giving into my fears…

183: Do rewards improve motivation? Can parents ‘toughen’ up their kids?

"I'll do it, but not because you told me to"  is a common humorous refrain in movies & TV shows.  In this show, we explore where this emotion comes from.   First, by reviewing a famous study that found that kids spend less time drawing if you tell them that they’ll get a good student award for…