Questions for this show are: 1. Strategies for “healing” from an abusive relationship. Do spouses that escape a narcissist spouse need therapy and support on codependency? 2. Are children’s attachment styles bogus in predicting their personalities? Also, what’s the earliest age at which you can see a person’s personality characteristics? 3.What advice would you give to a parent who’s lost a child (say 18 years old) under tragic circumstances, such as suicide? Are there any useful techniques or ways of thinking to really help ease the pain of such a profound biological loss?
109: What can our behavior signal to a romantic partner?
Questions for tonight are as follows: A listener’s husband spends money on certain displays but not others – what does it mean? How does a 10-year married couple navigate being swingers when one of them no longer wants to do it? Why do some men feel guilty or nervous about Valentine’s Day? Why do romantic partners act surprised when their spouse/partner leaves despite threatening to do so for a long time? Why does it feel so devastating when a spouse cheats?
108: Punishing children, advice to psychology students, cynical from evo psych..
Questions today are about: Influencing children – how does punishment work? Advice to psychology students who want to learn evo psych in a school that teaches conventional psychology Phobias like snakes, heights, etc.. are briefly explored Brief question regarding Big Five personality and how/if those traits can change as we age and gain status. Sharing evolutionary psychology knowledge in social settings. Getting cynical from evolutionary psychology – accepting the tragic view of existence.