In today’s show, Dr. Howk discusses: 1.Should I be worried if my boyfriend’s career is a higher priority than me and our future family? If I was the love of his life would his career still be more important than me? He is 40 and a financier on wall street. 2. What are the ways women abuse men? Is the silent treatment, inducing jealousy, withholding intimacy, considered abusive? I’m a woman and I found myself doing these things in a toxic relationship in which my partner called me abusive, which made me wonder if I was. 3. You’ve only briefly touched on video games on the podcast, and I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on the psychology behind them. What do you link their popularity as an entertain medium / form of escape to?You’ve only briefly touched on video games on the podcast, and I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on the psychology behind them. What do you link their popularity as an entertain medium form of escape to? 4. I am a 35 year old female who is afraid to talk to men. I am so nervous when talking to the opposite sex that it is affecting my work and studies, to the point where I chose to pursue a professional degree in which the majority of students are female. I avoid interacting with males wherever I go; I always choose female doctors or dentists and only speak to female salespersons when in a store. At 35, I have never been on a date, which my friends (who are female) and family think is weird. I have never been traumatized by a man, never been raped, and had a good childhood. I know this is not normal and would like to overcome this. 5.I am a student in my 3rd year of a bachelor of psychology. No matter the subject, the courses always manage to devote a section to gender theory. Its taught as a fact that gender is a series of norms socialized into us and have no basis in biology. Where does evolutionary psychology fall on gender theory?
279: BF’s career, Women abusing men, Video games, Afraid to talk, gender theory
In today’s show, Dr. Howk discusses:
1.Should I be worried if my boyfriend’s career is a higher priority than me and our future family? If I was the love of his life would his career still be more important than me? He is 40 and a financier on wall street.
2. What are the ways women abuse men? Is the silent treatment, inducing jealousy, withholding intimacy, considered abusive? I’m a woman and I found myself doing these things in a toxic relationship in which my partner called me abusive, which made me wonder if I was.
3. You’ve only briefly touched on video games on the podcast, and I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on the psychology behind them. What do you link their popularity as an entertain medium / form of escape to?You’ve only briefly touched on video games on the podcast, and I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on the psychology behind them. What do you link their popularity as an entertain medium form of escape to?
4. I am a 35 year old female who is afraid to talk to men. I am so nervous when talking to the opposite sex that it is affecting my work and studies, to the point where I chose to pursue a professional degree in which the majority of students are female. I avoid interacting with males wherever I go; I always choose female doctors or dentists and only speak to female salespersons when in a store. At 35, I have never been on a date, which my friends (who are female) and family think is weird. I have never been traumatized by a man, never been raped, and had a good childhood. I know this is not normal and would like to overcome this.
5.I am a student in my 3rd year of a bachelor of psychology. No matter the subject, the courses always manage to devote a section to gender theory. Its taught as a fact that gender is a series of norms socialized into us and have no basis in biology. Where does evolutionary psychology fall on gender theory?
278: Sexual disgust, Meaningful and authentic esteem dynamic in a pair bond
In today’s show, the Dr’s discuss: 1. can you illuminate us a bit about the nature of sexual disgust. I am currently seeing a man who is very much in love with me and is a good match for me in general. I like him very much and can imagine him as a future partner. However, I hate being touched by him. I feel so grossed out by it,it doesn’t turn me on at all and so I avoid physical intimacy with him. Is there any way to get over this or should I just quit? 2. My ex that I was with for one year that’s 60 pounds overweight and objectively a 4 cheated on me even though I’m 108 pounds with about a .7 hip to waist ratio and at least a 7. Why would this happen? I dated him because I thought he would appreciate how much more attractive than him I was and thus treat me well and not cheat on me at the least! The girls he has dated before me and cheated on me with were less attractive than me. He even said they were only ‘okay’. He told me he makes seven figures but I estimate it to be $200,00 which is still great so maybe that’s why he thinks he’s so great and better than me? He showed me the ring he was going to propose to me with as a last ditch effort to get me to not break up with him which was apparently $80,000. My guess is that it’s actually around $15,000. Other than that, he doesn’t seem interested in marriage in general even though he’s 41. Is he just naturally a short-term mater unless he’s insanely rewarded? If he really valued me wouldn’t he not risk losing me over some random girls? Please tell me what I’m doing wrong and what’s going on, I have an open loop about this and I feel like I can’t stop thinking about this until I understand every small detail so I can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.