Questions tonight are as follows: Can you please talk about the relationship between money and self-esteem and how to learn to enjoy the money one makes? If women in one’s social circles, acquaintances, friends, etc. seem receptive to casual mating, should we go for it without much worry, or is it bound to lead to future problems with them and the group? Why does it appear that people make so much up? (at least on TV when asked questions) Am I the oddball for feeling that when you’ve known someone for a long time, that means something? Is it because I’m low in openness and introverted?
178: Stress of decision-making, Esteem choices
A recent study published in the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology* attempts to tackle understanding the stress of decision making. Nate G goes over the article and Dr. Lisle offers his take. Can the stress of decision making be explained solely by the personality trait conscientiousness? Dr. Lisle and Nate discuss. The next topic stems from a listener’s question: “Can we choose who we want the most esteem from? Is there a way I can care less about the esteem from some people? It is sometimes exhausting to try to please everyone.” *PDF of the JPSP article :
177: Does seeking validation hinder happiness? Role of evolutionary mismatch
In this episode, we review a new study in the science of happiness. The first, by Bruce Headey called, Happiness and Longevity: Unhappy People Die Young, Otherwise Happiness Probably Makes No Difference, explains what effect happiness has on our longetivity. The first listener question is from a young man whose short love life has allowed him to feel the moods of happiness while in a relationship. Since the most recent breakup, he feels as though he has low self-esteem and is curious about whether this low self-esteem is due to his need to seek validation from others. The next question is about evolutionary mismatch and whether happiness may come from correcting as many evolutionary mismatches as possible. To finish out the show, we have a live caller asking about how to fine tune his diet & lifestyle and get over the proverbial “hump” after losing some motivation.