126: Delaying sex? Does a woman’s self-esteem increase with age?

Today on the podcast a few questions from listeners will include a questions from a man trying to understand why Dr. Lisle recommends that women delay sex a bit.  Another question asks whether women get more confident as they get older despite aging and perhaps feeling less attractive.  And finally, an older listener has a crush on a much younger man in her life, what will Dr. Lisle say?

125:Committing to goals, displaying confidence, soulmates

Committing to goals, displaying confidence, soulmates, why do guys push sex? 1. I’m 42 overweight would like to be married and would still like to have kids though I’m running out of time. I know exactly what I need to do to lose weight so I can feel better about myself and attract a mate but I just won’t commit to doing it. Why? Are these things actually not important to me even though I think they are? 2. Setting New Year’s resolutions seems to be a universal phenomenon. Is there an evolutionary basis for this (i.e. periodically reflecting on your recent history and determining what to improve)? 3. I’m quite shy, trip over my tongue in social situations, blush easily, and my eyes often automatically dart away when they meet the eyes of others. All of these feel really self-defeating in the modern world. Do all of these have the same source and can I improve, with practice or otherwise? 4. Is it common for a reasonably smart  independent woman to stay in an unloving marriage of over 30 years ? Is being provided for enough of  a trade off  for lack of mutual respect , fun and great physical relationship too or ARE SOULMATES JUST A FANTASY? THE QUESTION……. If a woman decides to stay in that unloving relationship , what are some ways to stay out of the pleasure trap??   Register for Pleasure Trap Webinar with Dr. Doug Lisle and Dr. Alan Goldhamer https://events.genndi.com/register/169105139238437069/db40db1837