In today’s show, the doctor’s discuss: 1. If your relationship status is single, would you only look to someone with your diet lifestyle as someone you’d only be interested in dating and possible pair bond? 2. Can spirituality fit into evolutionary psychology? 3. My question is about creating an alter ego – Apparently sports people do it and David Goggins did it. David Goggins was a flake and overweight and had no prospects and by his own admission was a liar. Then he basically turned his life around and became a Navy seal and said he did it by inventing an Alter ego called Goggins. So does this suggest personality can be changed. I know current theory is it is largely inherited. He also said an important part of his transformation was the accountability mirror. You basically look in the mirror every day and be completely honest about who and what you are and then from there you can change what you don’t like about yourself. Any merit in this?
286: Pair bond must-haves, Spirituality & EvoPsych, Creating an alter ego
In today’s show, the doctor’s discuss:
1. If your relationship status is single, would you only look to someone with your diet lifestyle as someone you’d only be interested in dating and possible pair bond?
2. Can spirituality fit into evolutionary psychology?
3. My question is about creating an alter ego – Apparently sports people do it and David Goggins did it. David Goggins was a flake and overweight and had no prospects and by his own admission was a liar. Then he basically turned his life around and became a Navy seal and said he did it by inventing an Alter ego called Goggins. So does this suggest personality can be changed. I know current theory is it is largely inherited. He also said an important part of his transformation was the accountability mirror. You basically look in the mirror every day and be completely honest about who and what you are and then from there you can change what you don’t like about yourself. Any merit in this?
285: Roe v Wade, Body Positivity in Women, Blank Slate model appeal
In today’s show, the dr’s discuss:
1. Current events re: Roe v Wade
2. There is so much about “body positivity” on the media and women growing their body hair out especially. On social media I read mainly positive comments on this, but especially from women, while some men are making rather jokey comments. I was just wondering what might be the motivation for women who keep saying stuff like “good on her”, “if only I was braver, I’d do the same”, etc…?? Like they’re all claiming that removal of body hair is forced on us by recent culture. Is it though? I personally as a women hate my body hair and have removed it since before puberty. To me it actually feels “natural” to remove it. So I wonder if there is any perspective on this specific topic from the evolutionary psychology perspective?
3. What is your erudite opinion on why the ‘blank slate’ model seem to particularly appeal to certain “character types” more than others