224:Current events,Growth mindset v Genes,Corona-virus compliance, Inheritance

In today’s show, Dr. Lisle briefly discusses the current events in the USA and then discusses these q’s:

1. I come from a family of low lifes, junkies, and drug addicts. I was able to be the first in my family to get a college degree of any kind and would like to pursue a Phd. I am willing to believe this might be reaching on my part and I might fail, but it seems worthwhile to try. If I were to look at my genetics it makes me think I’m doomed to become a drug addict who accomplishes nothing. Wouldn’t it be more useful to have a growth mindset about your abilities and let the environment tell you where you are reaching out of your league. If I’m being honest the genetics perspective just makes me feel very hopeless, where my lived experience does not. How can I more usefully incorporate this perspective to help fuel achievement, rather than a fixed mindset of my own abilities as determined by genetics? 

2. I’m noticing that despite the evidence that is widely available, people who should not be personally overly fearful of the coronavirus are in fact quite fearful.  You have discussed many possible reasons for this, including a reason for opting out of competition and the like, but I’m curious if what we’re seeing is nervous systems intentionally generating personal levels of fear in order to obtain/maintain status.

3. I am wondering what advice you have for people that may have inherited a lot of money, or won the lottery. How can this affect the self-esteem mechanism and what’s the best way to handle the money to achieve happiness?

224:Current events,Growth mindset v Genes,Corona-virus compliance, Inheritance

In today’s show, Dr. Lisle briefly discusses the current events in the USA and then discusses these q’s: 1. I come from a family of low lifes, junkies, and drug addicts. I was able to be the first in my family to get a college degree of any kind and would like to pursue a Phd. I am willing to believe this might be reaching on my part and I might fail, but it seems worthwhile to try. If I were to look at my genetics it makes me think I’m doomed to become a drug addict who accomplishes nothing. Wouldn’t it be more useful to have a growth mindset about your abilities and let the environment tell you where you are reaching out of your league. If I’m being honest the genetics perspective just makes me feel very hopeless, where my lived experience does not. How can I more usefully incorporate this perspective to help fuel achievement, rather than a fixed mindset of my own abilities as determined by genetics?  2. I’m noticing that despite the evidence that is widely available, people who should not be personally overly fearful of the coronavirus are in fact quite fearful.  You have discussed many possible reasons for this, including a reason for opting out of competition and the like, but I’m curious if what we’re seeing is nervous systems intentionally generating personal levels of fear in order to obtain/maintain status. 3. I am wondering what advice you have for people that may have inherited a lot of money, or won the lottery. How can this affect the self-esteem mechanism and what’s the best way to handle the money to achieve happiness?

223: Food vs drugs, Longevity, Dating market while aging, Is Lust a trap?

In today’s show, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk discuss the following:  1.  How does withdrawal and Tolerance In drug usage compare to eating foods with addictive properties in terms of trying to quit? For instance, Would planning a strict day and time for a specific portioned unhealthy meal once a week then after get straight back on the wagon aid in keeping tolerance low and cravings at bay? or is complete abstinence the key to lifelong success in ending the addiction? I’ve been trying for about 3 years to be WFPB  but I’ve never made it more than 30 days and when I cave into crap foods each time it’s making me doubt I could achieve this success. 2. It seems so far that calorie restriction might not offer the degree of increased longevity benefits for humans as is found in mice and other animals. If you took an evolutionary perspective on this, what might you guess could explain why humans don’t get quite the boost that other animals do? Do you think humans and perhaps some other animals have physiology that might expect to go hungry fairly often, so it’s required for a normal lifespan rather than causing an abnormally longer one? 3. I recently celebrated my 30th birthday during this time, as fun and different as it was, the classic questions have now come to my mind about dating/settling down. I am single, and have not been on a date in 2 years! I know my chances are decreasing by the year of “finding a mate”, and I am worried that males will be able to tell I am not as young as is ideal. Is there any way of avoiding this/giving off the illusions/impression that I still have value on the market as much as a twenty something? 4. Is following your lust just another pleasure trap that will leave you dissatisfied long term? Should a person who is not pair bond oriented try to work towards this for long term happiness or is this like trying to change your personality?