222: Stats Update Coronavirus

In today’s show, Dr. Lisle gives our audience an update and some reflection about the coronavirus pandemic.  In true fashion, what was intended to be a few minutes of finalizing the coronavirus stats discussion followed by listener questions, ended up being an entire show about coronavirus stats & updates.  Next show, we resume listener questions.  

221: Lockdown changes & annoyance, Dealing w Burn out, How to Help a friend

In today’s show, Dr. Lisle & Howk discuss these questions: 1. Do you see any big long term changes coming as a result of the shut down and isolation that will last more than a few months?  Will this cause any long term evolutionary pressures for habit change or will we revert back to the same norms? 2.I’m disagreeable and fairly low conscientious and don’t respond well to authority. If I get told to do something I don’t want to do, it just makes me not want to do it even more. During the pandemic, how can I stop getting annoyed and getting into arguments with people and other jobsworths making pointless and unreasonable demands beyond the legal requirements of social distancing? Sometimes it feels like some people are in a competition to be seen as doing the pandemic better than others and love to point out all the faults, real or imagined, of others. 3. I am a hyper-conscientious nut case as Dr. Lisle would say. I’ve been running tech startups for over 25 years but my latest one has really burned me out. My life and my office are in disarray. I’m normally a very organized person but now I have piles of things everywhere and I can’t seem to dig myself out. I can’t get motivated. The only thing I’m very conscientious about now is my diet and exercise. Is there a way to kick start my natural tendencies and get organized again.?What do you suggest for recovering from burn out? How long will it take to recover? 4. How do you help someone to get the right help?  A colleague of mine recently opened up to me about struggling with what seems to be a deep depression and suicidal thoughts.  Of course anything I say is only a drop in the ocean.  Knowing what I now know, this is really frustrating to me.  How can you help someone get the right help? What advice do I best give to someone who I know is on the wrong track?

220: Tension w friends, Dealing with conflict, Mass hysteria, Self-esteem

In today’s show, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk discuss the following questions: 1. HELP! Am I going to lose friends over the virus? Most of my friends are overwhelmed with fear and are just bossing everyone around. Seems like if I don’t agree w/ their demands (i.e. wear a mask, even when outside and 6 feet apart) or if I don’t show as much fear as they do, I get the strong impression that it could have a negative and permanent impact on the friendship. I’ve had to lie to my close friends and I don’t like being put in that position. I honestly am starting to feel harassed. How can I manage this? 2. My issue is on conflict. In my situation I always want to run away from conflict and get away as fast as I can. I would like to know how I can stop feeling this way and just deal with the conflict without going into a downward spiral.  3. Does the fear that has gripped the US qualify as clinical mass hysteria or since it has been driven by poor health statistics and media reporting is it justifiable? 4. Hi there, very interested to hear about some of the theory around self-esteem; it resonated very strongly with me in the current situation as I definitely struggle without “meaningful” work. I was wondering if you would be able to develop on this and perhaps, the role of status in an anxious mind.