We welcome back Dr. Jen Howk for her part 2 debut on the BYG podcast. Dr. Lisle and Howk answer the following questions from listeners: 1. I would describe myself as a 9. I am pretty and fit. I am educated and have a great job. Since I have graduated college I have had an extremely difficult time with dating. 2. If I slept with someone that I like too soon and they are showing less interest in me is there a way to get their interest back? I remember one episode you mentioned looking your best was a way to do this which I am working on losing some weight. Are there any pyschological mind tactics I can practice in the mean time? If someone is actively ignoring you is it best to do the same? 3. I have a question regarding the full moon on the female psyche The Mother of my two children becomes more abusive and more unstable during a full moon. Generally she is a pretty tricky person to deal with and tripping over some petty little trap opens a gate for verbal and sometimes physical abuse. She often blames the full moon or PMS for these episodes but she is rarely a picnic in the park in between. My question is whether there is any validity in the claim that the full moon has on anyone’s psychology or is it just an excuse for bad behaviour and just some new age hippy nonsense for people who are high in openness. 4. What advice would you give to a female who is being stalked? 5. Is it reasonable to suggest that modern third-wave feminism is now about confusing males about the dominance hierarchy and their own sexual selection criteria, so as to turn them into being beta males? To find out more about Dr. Howk or to book a phone consult, visit http://www.JenHowk.com
185: Is effective health care possible? Sharing health info w sick friends
Our questions for this show are: 1. Given the profitability of prescribing pills and surgical procedures, do you believe the mainstream medical-industrial-complex will ever reach a tipping point and head in the direction of true health care? As opposed to the current system of what basically boils down to disease maintenance? 2. In church this week I felt very guilty. No one is specifically asking me for nutrition advice but every week we hear about and pray for members of our congregation that have everything from kidney stones to cancer and everything in between. All of these conditions would be helped by a whole food plant based diet. I don’t feel comfortable saying much about my diet at church but I feel very guilty about not speaking up if information that I have could help someone who is suffering. Do you have any recommendations? 3. I am a Clinical Psychology Doctoral candidate, and I will have my first patients this Fall. I am nervous, excited, but mostly curious. What concepts and theories from EP have you found most useful in your clinical work? And what are the one or two things from EP that I can focus on to help better serve my patients? 4. Given that many core characteristics of personality are genetically determined, and that the evolutionary process of blind variation is bound to produce extremes, aren’t there always bound to be some individuals in society who are likely to experience impulses to commit violent acts – with particularly horrific consequencies when gun laws allow comparatively easy access to lethal weapons?In the ‘bottling up’ episode you say that some people are bound to be ‘shitheads’ – so aren’t there also always bound to be ‘psychopaths’ and no amount of moral education, religious observation or societal conservatism could ever eradicate the problem of mass killings?
184: Male/Female Dynamics with Dr. Lisle & Dr. Jen Howk
In this episode, we introduce Dr. Jen Howk, who recently earned her PhD from Harvard. She brings a female perspective to our male/female dynamics questions and offers her insights to our show.